Saturday 16 April 2016

Vegan Whipped Cream

YAS! You heard right. It's whipped cream and it is vegan.

I assure you that it's even better than the usual whipped cream.

 Look at that...


+1 can of coconut milk (you can go for those that specifically state 'full fat')
+Sugar to taste
+1 tsp of vanilla extract 

-Get you coconut milk and carefully place it in the fridge upside down for a couple of days if you just bought it. This trick is useful to get the cream out of the can easier. Have in mind that if the coconut milk has been sitting in the pantry for a long time, then 24 hours in the fridge are enough.
-Chill your pyrex bowl for one hour before whipping the cream

****Let's pretend a day or two have passed****

-Open up your can of coconut milk- that is not upside down anymore- and you'll see that the water rests on top. Pour it into a glass container and drink it right away because it's yummy store it in the fridge to use in smoothies. 
-Get your bowl out of the freezer, pour the cream out of the can.
-Get your mixer and mix for about a minute. Then add as much sugar as you like. I'd go with 4 tbsp to start. *
-Add as well the vanilla and mix on high until stiff peaks start forming. AND YOU'RE DONE!

Use as you would with any other whipped cream: on strawberries, on cakes, cupcakes, on your body... get creative.

*I used cassonade or brown sugar for the whipped cream in the picture.  The color is not affected. I've also used powdered sugar and it worked fine.